Many kids with ASD - even those without significant cognitive challenges - have trouble making friends, understanding how to relate to other people and making sense of social cues. The main struggles of ASD involve social understanding, communication and repetitive routines or behaviors. Frequent negative feedback for acting out or not paying attention can impact self-esteem and motivation, making a child feel he’s “bad” or “no good.” (Read more about ADHD and emotions.) Trouble following social rules can make it hard to make and keep friends. Has trouble with safety and danger awareness.Reacts strongly to the way things sound, smell, taste, look, or feel (sensory processing issues).Has trouble showing understanding of other people’s feelings and his own.Is very advanced verbally, but struggles with nonverbal cues.Has obsessive interests and experiences perseveration.Uses excessive body movements to self-soothe (e.g., rocking, flapping hands).Is prone to meltdowns due to sensory processing issues, anxiety, frustration, or communication difficulties.Has delayed speech (or no speech) or repeats phrases over and over.Avoids eye contact and/or physical contact.May overreact to sensory input, like the way things sound, smell, taste, look, or feel.Acts without thinking and may not understand the consequences of his actions.Interrupts people, blurts things out inappropriately, and may struggle with nonverbal cues.Is constantly “on the go” or moving fidgets and needs to pick up and fiddle with everything.Has trouble waiting his turn and being patient.

Struggles to sit still during quiet activities, such as mealtimes or during independent work time at school.Has trouble staying on task unless an activity is very enjoyable.Struggles with organization and completing tasks.Is prone to tantrums and meltdowns due to frustration or lack of impulse control.Appears not to listen and has trouble following directions.Seems forgetful, easily distracted or daydreamy.Signs you may notice, depending on your child Repetitive behaviors are also part of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). A neurodevelopmental condition that makes it hard for kids to concentrate, pay attention, sit still, and curb impulsivity.Ī range of neurodevelopmental conditions that causes challenges with social skills, communication, and thinking.